the 30th Anniversary of Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience

Every year, influenza epidemics occur, causing increased morbidity and mortality, particularly in vulnerable populations, such as the very young and very old. In addition, pandemics, such has the 1918 pandemic, occasionally occur. Consequently, influenza has an enormous impact on the global economy. By contrast, Ebola virus has only been recognized since 1976, and, until recently, outbreaks of this virus had caused relatively few deaths because they occurred in rural, isolated areas. However, the 2014 outbreak in West Africa occurred over a large, densely populated urban area and changed our understanding of what constitutes an Ebola virus outbreak. In December 2019 in China, SARS-CoV-2 emerged and spread globally, causing the fifth pandemic since the 1918 pandemic. I will discuss our recent research on these viruses.AWARDS1991 Veterinary Science Award2002 The Hideo Noguchi Memorial Award for Medicine2006 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology2006 Robert Koch Award2007 The Takeda Prize for Medical Science2010 Japan Prize of Agricultural Science2011 The Naito Foundation Merit Award for Advancement of Science2011 The 8th Takamine Memorial Daiich-Sankyo Prize2011 Medal of Honor (Purple Ribbon) from the Emperor of Japan2013 2014 International Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences Excellence in Research Award, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges2015 UNESCO Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology2016 Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology2016 Japan Academy Prize21Invited LectureYoshihiro Kawaoka

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