- Last updated: May 15. 2024 -

FAQ regarding Exchange Program

I cannot download/open the application form.
I want to know whether my application has been received.
In case the date and/or place of the meeting is not yet decided, may I send application with tentative plan?
When can I receive the outcome?
When is the grant money transferred?
The meeting has been postponded or cancelled. Do you need any procedure?
When should I submit a report of the meeting by?

Q1 I cannot download/open the application form.
A1 Please let us know by e-mail ( info@mizutanifdn.or.jp ) so that we will send you the application form by e-mail.

Q2 I want to know whether my application has been received.
A2 We are sending a return e-mail as a confirmation for your application.
In case you do not receive it within 2 weeks, please make inquiry from Contact us.

Q3 In case the date and/or place of the meeting is not yet decided, may I send application with tentative plan?
A3 We accept applications with tentative plan. Once the exact date and/or place have been set, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

Q4 When can I receive the outcome?
A4 We send decision letters by e-mail by the beginning of February ( for the applied meetings held sometime between February 1st and June 30th of the next year) and by the end of May (for the applied meetings held sometime between July 1st of the year of application and January 31st of the next year.) In case you do not hear from us by mid February or by mid June respectively, please let us know.

Q5 When is the grant money transferred?
A5 We pay the grant(in Japanese Yen, US dollar or Euro) through bank transfer about one month before the meeting.

Q6 The meeting has been postponded or cancelled. Do you need any procedure?
A6 Please submit the Request to change of contents.

Q7 When should I submit a report of the meeting by?
A7 Please submit a report of the meeting within 1 month after the meeting.
The email address:info@mizutanifdn.or.jp.

  • Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience
  • Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience
    Marunouchi Center Building 9F,
    1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-0005 Japan
    Phone: 81-3-3211-0861 Fax: 81-3-3211-0862 
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