- Last updated: May 15. 2024 -

FAQ regarding Research Grant

How can I submit the application for the Research Grant?
When does online registration start? I cannot find the online registration page in the website of the Mizutani Foundation.
Although I registered on the website, I did not receive the URL of the submission page and password.
After I submitted the application, I found mistake. How can I revise my application?
I cannot download / open the application form.
How will I know whether my application has been completed?
I cannot upload the files.
After uploading a zip file, the name was changed to random letters and numbers.
Does the representative of the organization mean the president of the university?
Can the signature of the PI, the Administrative Official and the Representative of the Organization be in digital form?
Permission regarding the project (item 12) is under application for approval and a copy is not yet available. What should I do?
Please let me know what personnel costs can be covered by the research grant.
My affiliation will change before I start the project. May I submit the application from my present organization?
When will I be notified of the decision?
Please let me know the details regarding the evaluation of my project.
May I change affiliations during the grant period of the project and use the remaining portion of the grant money at my new place of work?
What is the procedure for extending the grant period?
What is your patent policy?
Q1 How can I submit the application for the Research Grant?
A1 We change the submission process of the application package from by POST to by ONLINE since July 2020. For more information, please refer the Application Guidelines. You can apply by only ONLINE. The deadline is September 1st. Any application after that day is not acceptable. Please apply well in advance.

Q2 When does online registration start? I cannot find the online registration page in the website of the Mizutani Foundation.
A2 Online registration begins on July 1st. The web page for the online registration appears only after that time. Please note that the submission process is changed. So, please read the Application Guidelines carefully and then proceed to register and apply.

Q3 Although I registered on the website, I did not receive the URL of the submission page and password.
A3 Please check your spam folder as well. Return mail might be sorted into there.

Q4 After I submitted the application, I found mistake. How can I revise my application?
A4 Please contact us by e-mail (info@mizutanifdn.or.jp). When sending it, the title must be your Registration Number – your Last Name (Example:250XXX Mizutani.pdf). Once revision is completed, we will let you know by return mail. Please DO NOT RE-APPLY in Online Registration Form. You can revise the application before the deadline.

Q5 I cannot download / open the application form.
A5 Please let us know by e-mail (info@mizutanifdn.or.jp),so we will send you the application form by return mail.

Q6 How will I know whether my application has been completed?
A6 Confirmation will be e-mailed upon receipt of your application. If you do not receive confirmation, please let us know by e-mail (info@mizutanifdn.or.jp). If any deficiencies would be found on your application, we might contact you.

Q7 I cannot upload the files.
A7 You can upload only one ZIP folder. Please create ZIP folder consisted of the Application pdf, Papers pdf and Permissions pdf if required. Please refer the Application Guidelines how to name each ZIP folder or pdf files.

Q8 After uploading a zip file, the name was changed to random letters and numbers.
A8 Due to the system specification, the file name is changed automatically.There is no problem.

Q9 Does the representative of the organization mean the president of the university?
A9 If he or she is in a position to authorize the implementation of your project in the organization, it is not necessary that he or she be the president.

Q10 Can the signature of the PI, the Administrative Official and the Representative of the Organization be in digital form?
A10 Either the handwriting sign or the digital one will be fine.

Q11 Permission regarding the project (item 12) is under application for approval and a copy is not yet available. What should I do?
A11 Please state that approval is pending in your application and submit a copy of the permission as soon as it becomes available.

Q12 Please let me know what personnel costs can be covered by the research grant.
A12 Salaries for the principal investigator and the collaborators are not covered by the grant. Personnel costs for post-doctoral researchers, assistants and/or technicians who are not employed by any organization may be paid from the research grant.

Q13 My affiliation will change before I start the project. May I submit the application from my present organization?
A13 Please make your application with the information and signature of the representative of your new affiliation. If this is not possible, submit your application from your present organization, and after the grant is awarded, please revise the first page of the application (items 1 to 8) with information regarding the representative of your new place of employment.

Q14 When will I be notified of the decision?
A14 Notification will be sent by e-mail in early to mid-February. If you do not receive notification by the end of February, please let us know by e-mail (info@mizutanifdn.or.jp).

Q15 Please let me know the details regarding the evaluation of my project.
A15 We do not provide detailed information regarding the evaluation.

Q16 May I change affiliations during the grant period of the project and use the remaining portion of the grant money at my new place of work?
A16 If this occurs, please submit following documents to the Foundation office.
1) Notification letter that you have changed affiliations, stating the reason(s). There is no specified form for this.
2) A financial report of the grant money spent while at your present organization and an interim progress report using the forms provided in the website of the Foundation.
3) Grant application from the new organization with the information and signature(s) of the new organization’s representative(s). (Please revise the first page, items 1 to 8, of the application accordingly.)

Please send us the above documents to info@mizutanifdn.or.jp.

Q17 What is the procedure for extending the grant period?
A17 Please try to complete your project within the determined grant period. If this is not possible and it is necessary to extend the grant period (up to one year), please submit the following documents to the Foundation office after February 1st and no later than the end of February for review and approval. You will be notified of the decision by the end of March.
1) A letter asking for the extension addressed to Mr. Ken Mizutani, the chairperson of the Foundation stating the requested extension period and the reason why such an extension is necessary. There is no specified form for this.
2) Interim report form is not specified. Please write this report down on just 1 page.
3) Financial Report at December 31 or January 31 using the form provided in the website of the Foundation.

Please send us the above documents to info@mizutanifdn.or.jp.

Q18 What is your patent policy?
A18 You and/or your organization will own all the relevant intellectual property rights. The Mizutani Foundation does not seek any intellectual property rights for research conducted using funds received from the foundation.

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