Application Guidelines
Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience
The 32nd Research Grant (for 2025)
General Information:
Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience is a non-profit organization established on October 1, 1992 with funds donated by the late Mr. Masakane Mizutani, former Emeritus Chairman of Seikagaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. The objective of the Foundation is to promote world-wide progress in glycoscience. In accordance with this objective, the Foundation provides research grants to outstanding proposals for basic and applied studies on glycoconjugate in the fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cellular biology and medical sciences.
The applicant (principal investigator) must 1) have a doctor's degree or its equivalent in a field relevant to the proposed project, 2) have a documented capability of performing independent studies, 3) be a member of a scientific institution (applicant organization) where he or she can carry out the proposed study and 4) have not been awarded the Mizutani grant between 2020 and 2024(the grantee may re-apply after a period of five years.)
In principle, a grant will be approved for one year, from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026. However, if desired, the period can be extended another year without any additional grant after obtaining the approval of the Foundation. The maximum amount of a grant is 7,000,000 yen (approximately US$46,000 as of March, 2024.) The total budget for the grants is 70,000,000 yen per annum. The grant may be used for various items necessary for the proposed study, but not for the salaries of the principal or collaborative investigators. The proposed study may be a part of a large project, including an international collaboration. However, only a single investigator is considered to be the principal investigator. As much as 10% of the total grant may be used for indirect costs (overheads.)
In regular selections, new applications will be evaluated by a Review Committee consisting of knowledgeable specialists appointed by the Foundation. The review criteria will include 1) glycoscience field, 2) originality, 3) scientific and social merit and 4) feasibility. The track record of the applicant and the research environment reported by him or her are also considered.
If a grant is awarded as a result of this application, the applicant organization would assume the legal and financial accountability for the grant as grantee. The organization must file a detailed financial report within two months following the end of the fiscal year (March 31 in Japan.) Also, the applicant would become the principal investigator and assume responsibilities on the scientific aspect of the proposed study. He or she must file a progress report within two months following the end of the fiscal year (March 31 in Japan.) The abstract of the progress report is opened to public on our web site. He or she must write an appropriate acknowledgment to the Foundation in all the publications resulted from the study and file two copies (reprints) of each publication to the Foundation.
1) Register your Last name, First name and e-mail address on the web site ( : Online Registration for 32nd Research Grant will start from July 1, 2024 on website.)
2) URL of the submission page and password will be sent to you immediately.
If you do not receive this e-mail, please make sure to check the spam folder as well.
3) Access this page and fill in all necessary items.
4) Create pdf files of the application documents, papers selected by the applicant (maximum of 5) and relevant permission(s) respectively.
Please follow the instruction on the Application Form Page 2 to name these files.
5) Create the folder consisted of the above pdf files.
Please follow the same instruction as above.
6) Convert it to ZIP folder, then upload to the submission page. Only one folder can be uploaded.
7) Applications will be accepted from July 1 through September 1,2024 (Japan Time).
The decision letter will be e-mailed no later than February 20, 2025. The name of the Grantees and their titles of the projects will be announced on our home page later. The grants will be remitted by the end of March. The awards will be effective on April 1, 2025.
The Protection of Personal Information:
The Foundation will use personal information obtained in relation to the Research Grant for administrative purposes.
The Application Form Download
Please download the application form in your preferred format.
Word format(.doc)
PDF format(.pdf)